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Bruce Walton's "Underground Nazi Invasion"

Bruce Walton's article on the "Underground Nazi Invasion" is hosted on the UFO site "Beyond Weird". (
I discovered it in Google while doing a deep search on Rudolf Steiner's name. The article itself is interesting. It describes an entire career for Hitler in 1919 fighting communists at the behest of the Thule Society, a career of which other historians know nothing. That is, it is a typically inflated conspiracy theory article. Hitler's life has been well enough researched that if he ran a court system in Munich, executing 500 communists in 1919, this would be known.

Rudolf Steiner gets a name check (that is, his name is mentioned within a list). Anthroposophy is misspelled.

[lack of capitals in the original] "one should not underestimate occultism's influence on hitler. his subsequent rejection of free masons and esoteric movements, of theosophy, of anthrosophy, does not necessarily mean otherwise. occult circles have long been known as covers for espionage and influence peddling. hitler's spy apparatus under canaris and heydrich were well aware of these conduits, particularly from the direction of britain which had within its mi5 intelligence agency a department known as the occult bureau. that these potential sources of trouble were purged from nazi life should not be taken to mean that hitler and the nazi secret societies were not influenced by mystical and occult writers such as madame blavatsky, houston stewart chamberlain, guido von list, lanz von liebenfels, rudolf steiner, george gurdjieff, karl haushofer and theodor fritsch. although hitler later denounced and ridiculed many of them, he did dedicate his book mein kampf to his teacher dietrich eckart."

The relative influence of occultism on Hitler is something on which historians differ. There is undoubtedly a degree of influence. The main error Walton has made, and a typical one, is to lump together all occult movements for which he could find a name, and treat them as the same. The Nazi party was influenced by one branch of the occult fringe - represented by the Thule Society, Guido von List, and Lanz von Liebenfels. The "occultism" that they represented has only an extremely superficial resemblance to that represented by Rudolf Steiner. The opposition was mutual; Steiner deplored the "racialist mysticism" of von List, and in turn was denounced from the radical right, and even placed on a hit list.

In the end, the Nazi's were sympathetic to those occult movements that preached Aryan racial supremacy, and hostile to those who opposed these doctrines. Among those philosophies that absolutely rejected racial supriority is Anthroposophy. This fact was recognized explicitly by the Nazi party after they examined Rudolf Steiner's writings in depth.

"I consider the Anthroposophical worldview, which is in every way internationally and pacifistically oriented, to be quite simply incompatible with National Socialism. The National Socialist worldview is built upon the conception of blood, race, and Volk, and then also, on the conception of the absolute state. Precisely these two fundamental pillars of the National Socialist worldview and the Third Reich are denied by the anthroposophical worldview." Jakob Wilhelm Hauer writing for the Nazi Secret Police

In those instances when Anthroposophy is confused with the racist pseudo-occultism of the German proto-Nazi's, it is usually from a failure to distinguish accurately the characteristics of each movement. Anthroposophy and the Thule Society were cotemporaneous, with a very few superficial similarities. But they are fundamentally different. Anyone who confuses the two has not done much research.

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