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Rudolf Steiner 's Work
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Rudolf Steiner

The greatest initiate of the 20th Century and one of history's most original thinkers, Rudolf Steiner's work is largely unknown in the world today. Below is a list of resources for those wishing to know more about his life and work.

Biographies of Rudolf Steiner
The most comprehensive biography of Rudolf Steiner to date is the 1025 page 2-volume effort by Christoph Lindenberg, published in 1997. It is available only in German. Numerous other print biographies exist.

Online biographies of Rudolf Steiner include:

On this Site:

Rudolf Steiner by Alfred Heidenreich

Owen Barfield introduces Rudolf Steiner

Edouard Schuré on The Personality of Rudolf Steiner and his Development

On the Internet:

Roy Wilkinson Describes Steiner's Life and Significance

Henry Barnes examines Steiner's significance.

John Davy surveys Steiner's Life

Robert Lawrence writes a longer introduction

An evaluation of Rudolf Steiner's life and work in New Times

Steiner's Autobiography (complete and unabridged - 300 pages)

Images of Rudolf Steiner

I have assembled a nice gallery of formal portraits of Rudolf Steiner from 1913 to 1924.

There is a nice pictoral biography of Steiner by Sune Nordwall.

The Steiner Online Archive also has a number of images.

Rudolf Steiner's Works

Rudolf Steiner wrote and spoke in German (with a Viennese accent). To date perhaps 2/3 of his work has been translated into English. English editions of his books can be purchased from the SteinerBooks and all the usual booksellers. German copies are available through European book channels, or direct from the publisher.

Steiner left all his copyrights to his wife, who established a foundation to manage them. The Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung maintains the physical archive of Steiner's documents and manuscripts in Dornach, Switzerland, and has kept all 300 volumes of his work in print over the last 80 years. They also have an online Complete Text Search tool available for those who speak German.

English readers looking for online resources are well served by the The Rudolf Steiner Online eLibrary, the single best and most comprehensive online collection of his work in English.

I have also written an English overview of the Complete Works with translated full titles.

Links to Sites about Rudolf Steiner

The Rudolf Steiner Online eLib - Steiner's works available in English.

Roy Wilkinson Describes Steiner's Life and Significance


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